2007년 10월 27일 토요일
Summary) the characteristics of new media 3
Virtual and virtual reality and VR are the same meaning.
Reality --simulation--> VR / augmented reality / mixed reality Which virtual reality?
The immersive ,interactive experiences provided by new forms of imagine and simulation technology.
'Place' and 'Spaces' created by or within communications networks.
Immersive(몰입성) VR -> simulate reality & make fantasyVR of online
A future Scenario -> Cyberspace (future fution in the same frame)
embodiment? -> 채화?
ex) ID(Identity) <--embody-- me My opinion VR is maked experience and space. The new media of developmet->> various VR
Various VR & Cyberspace ->> a matter of anonymity, subjectivity and so on (ex: 악성댓글, 살인사건등등)
What do you think we should do about this problem? ->> the principal problems of our day
2007년 10월 19일 금요일
mid-term paper
What’s open api?
Open API (often referred to as OpenAPI) is a word used to describe sets of technologies that enable websites to interact with each other by using SOAP, Javascript any other web technology. Recently, (reference: wikipedia) web corporation (ex: naver and daum and so on) started open api service and mashup service based on open api started too. The aim of web corporations are seek a profit for allowing the open of certain technologies. Because if many people develop mashup service by the public web company, in that case the user of this web will increase. But open api has his merits and faults. The keynote of open api is interactivity with internet user or mashup developer. Interactivity is one of primary characteristics of new media. The appearance of a open api is a result of the development of the new media. Many web users access new media in web through not only web corporation but also several people are open api via mashup service development.
What is web crawler?
A web crawler (also known as a web spider or web robot) is a program or automated script which browses the World Wide Web in a methodical, automated manner. (reference: wikipedia) It has his merits and demerits. Merit is very easy to search for want information. Moreover, user accidentally discovered the information is a great help to in more ways than one. But demerit is search for many not want information. (ex: have nothing to do information, not want a reversal movie ending (web spoiler) and so on)
Comparison and My opinion
Open api is mutual cooperation compared with web crawler. Web and user and mashup developer make web ecosystem through open api. But web crawler is not mutual between web and user. Open api will help new media for the future. Interactivity of open api will help the development of the new media. Web crawler will develop through open api. I predict the birth of new web crawler with new ability.
2007년 10월 13일 토요일
Summary) the characteristics of new media 2 - Hypertext and Dispersal
What is hypertext?
Hyper(superiority(초월), opposite(건너편에)) + text = Hypertext
Hypertext is special type of database system, in which object(text, picture, video, music and so on) can be creatively linked to each other. When you select an object, you can see all the other objects that are linked to it.
ex) web-site, search engine and so on
What is hypermediacy?
Hypermediacy is a "style of visual representation whose goal is to remind the viewer of the medium".
ex) CNN.com multiple text, graphics video and multiple window panes joined by hyperlinks, windowed styled www pages, interactive sites, perspective paintings, computer graphics, theme parks, and video arcades are all scenes the view is not expected to accept as real.
(출처: 구글검색)
##My opinion
The concept of “hypertext” was growth from past. You know see Vannevar Bush's memex. Hypertext have relation to interactivity. Development of the hypertext help development of the 'new media' .
What's diapersal?
Dispersal is the product of shifts in our relationships.
What's distribution?
The distribution of things involves giving or delivering them to a number of people or places. (출처: 네이버 영영사전)
What's different?
Distribution ->> ex) television broadcast (ex:공중파) ->> one direction ->> mass media
Dispersal ->> ex) DTV or Internet and so on ->> many direction ->> new media
2007년 10월 6일 토요일
Summary) the characteristics of new media 1 - Interactivity
new media -> interactivity (ex: DIGITAL TV)
A whole new world
-intstrumental view of interactivity (ex: email,online shopping, online banking and so on..)
Hypertextual navigation
-construct for him or herself an individaulised text-immursive navigation
Two pradigms
-Interpretation (miss understanding)
-Definition (fluidity, stability)
-Producers (reverse engineer, hacker)
##My opinion
Interactivity is one of the primary characteristics of new media. Interactivity is for improving idea the feedback. Unlike feedback, communication subjects are gained various something with interactive communication through. For this reason, interactive elements will help the future of new media.
Summary) the characteristics of new media 1 - Digitality
-New textual experiences (text, connotation, important 'subject')
-New kinds of genre
-New ways of representing the world-immersive virtual environment (ex: MMORPG game, MUD game)
-Screen based on interactive multimedia (ex: pmp, display phone, internet, console game and so on) and so on...
-Computer-mediated communications (email,chat room, MUD(virtual reality), The web, Mobile phone)
What is digital?
-Analog => sampling, quantization, encode => Digital
Digital technology -> Embrace all areas involved art ->can modify
##My opinion
Many peoples think new media related with digital. They have certain ideas new media not related with analog. But I guess. The basis of new media is analog. These days analog is slowly ebbing away. But analog is help to development about new media.