2007년 10월 13일 토요일

Summary) the characteristics of new media 2 - Hypertext and Dispersal

What is hypertext?

Hyper(superiority(초월), opposite(건너편에)) + text = Hypertext
Hypertext is special type of database system, in which object(text, picture, video, music and so on) can be creatively linked to each other. When you select an object, you can see all the other objects that are linked to it.
ex) web-site, search engine and so on

What is hypermediacy?

Hypermediacy is a "style of visual representation whose goal is to remind the viewer of the medium".
ex) CNN.com multiple text, graphics video and multiple window panes joined by hyperlinks, windowed styled www pages, interactive sites, perspective paintings, computer graphics, theme parks, and video arcades are all scenes the view is not expected to accept as real.

(출처: 구글검색)

##My opinion

The concept of “hypertext” was growth from past. You know see Vannevar Bush's memex. Hypertext have relation to interactivity. Development of the hypertext help development of the 'new media' .

What's diapersal?

Dispersal is the product of shifts in our relationships.

What's distribution?

The distribution of things involves giving or delivering them to a number of people or places. (출처: 네이버 영영사전)

What's different?

Distribution ->> ex) television broadcast (ex:공중파) ->> one direction ->> mass media
Dispersal ->> ex) DTV or Internet and so on ->> many direction ->> new media

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