2007년 10월 27일 토요일

Summary) the characteristics of new media 3


Virtual and virtual reality and VR are the same meaning.
Reality --simulation--> VR / augmented reality / mixed reality Which virtual reality?
The immersive ,interactive experiences provided by new forms of imagine and simulation technology.
'Place' and 'Spaces' created by or within communications networks.


Immersive(몰입성) VR -> simulate reality & make fantasyVR of online
A future Scenario -> Cyberspace (future fution in the same frame)
embodiment? -> 채화?
ex) ID(Identity) <--embody-- me My opinion VR is maked experience and space. The new media of developmet->> various VR
Various VR & Cyberspace ->> a matter of anonymity, subjectivity and so on (ex: 악성댓글, 살인사건등등)
What do you think we should do about this problem? ->> the principal problems of our day

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