2007년 11월 29일 목요일

Summary) new media: determining or determined? 1

# The return of the Frankfurt School ciritique in the popularisation of new media

Strnati :
- Elitism : view mass as passive nondiscreminating consumers

Alan Meek :
- dominant kind of relationship

mass society critics feared four things

-The debasement and displacement of an authentic organic folk culture
-the erosion of high cultural traditions, those of art and literature
-loss of the ability of these cultural traditions (as the classical 'public sphere') to comment
-critically on society's values
-the idoctrination and manipulation of the 'masses' by either totalitatian politics or market forces

active looking back to a pre mass culture

-the recovery of community
-the remaal of central authority, control
-online publishing
-virtual communities

The Brechtian avant-garde and lost opportunities


-amazing novelty of the possiblities that are opening up

#New Media: Determining or Determined?

Very different theorists of media
-Marshall McLuhan : "new media change everything"
-Raymond Williams: media can only take effect through already present social processes and structures and will therefore reproduce existing patterns of use and basically sustain existing power relations

##My opinion

18c Greek : small group(the nobility) -> high class art (not popular culture)

the present -> Art : The majority is popular culture.

What great art? -> The art won recognition from the public. Great art is not a small minority of rich person.

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