#The return of the middle ages and other media archaeologies
Kevin Robins - digital image(1997)
The ludic(=ludology(놀이)) : cinema and game
- 1900~1920 : aesthetics and pleasures of computer games
- 1930~1950 : hollywood movie - narrative cinema
- 21c :
pleasures - changes in media production and media consumption
blockbuster - a return of the possibilities present in early cinema
Rhetoric(웅변술) and spatialised memory
- Bensamin woolley : computer media's metaphorical desktops
- icons and mnemonic : parallel with the memorising strategies of ancient preliterate, oral cultures
Nickianne Moody
- Edutainment and the eighteenth century enlightenment
Discovery of the kind of historical precedents for media
- opportunities of develop new media
##My opinion
The past : sophist --enlightment(생각할 수 있는 능력을 주다)--> citizen
The present : all kinds of new media --enlightment --> citizen (something like the past)
#A sense of dejavu
Bollywood movie
- from india
- the 'new' in new media which makes history so important
- what they share with other media
- between what they can do and what is ideological in our reception of new media
##My opinion
Dejavu : the past of memory in my brain -> arrive at a past memory
New media : the history of the past --continue(the same dejavu phenomenon)--> the present of new media
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